Tài liệu ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cấp THCS

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  1. LESSON 1 : TENSES ( Các thì ) 1. SIMPLE PRESENT: (HTĐ) o Affir : S+V1 /Vs, es Ex : Water boils at 100 c. Neg: S+ do/ does + not+ V1 Ex : Tom doesn’t feel hungry. Inter: Do/ does+ S + V1 ? Ex : How often do you go to school? *(Be):am, is, are not ; (have):has/ have not +got = do / does + not + have Diễn tả :  Tình cảm, cảm giác, nhận thức ở hđộng.  Thói quen, phong tục, tập quán.  Chân lí, sự thật hiển nhiên. Vôùi : EVERY (day, year ), ALWAYS, OFTEN, USUALLY, SOMETIME, SELDOM, RARELY, NEVER, EVER, ONCE / TWICE / THREE TIMES + ( a day/ week/ month ), all the time, now and then . . Notes : Qui tắc thêm es đối với động từ có S số ít : - Các động từ tận cùng là : o, sh, ch, x, s, và z . - Các động từ tận cùng là y mà đứng trước y là một phụ âm ta đổi y i + es ( She studies, Tom tries, He plays . . .). 2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS ( HTTD) S + am/ is/ are + Ving Ex: We are studying English now. S + am/ is/ are + not + Ving Ex: She isn’t writing when he comes. Am/ Is/ Are + S + Ving ? Ex: What are you doing while I am doing? Diễn tả :  Hđộng đang xảy ra ở Htại vào lúc nói viết.  2 hđộng đang kéo dài // ở Htại (while: trong khi).  1 hđộng đang kéo dài ở Htại thì có 1 hđộng ngắn đột ngột xảy ra(S+ V1/ Vs, es) Với : AT PRESENT , AT THE MOMENT , NOW, RIGHT NOW, JUST NOW, !, 3. PRESENT PERFECT: (HTHT) ed S + has/ have + V3 Ex: I’ve just opened the door. Ex: We have studied English for many years. ed S + has/ have + not + V3 Ex: Jack hasn’t come recently. ed Has/ Have + S + V3 ? Ex: How long have you studied English? Diễn tả:  Hđộng Qk ko rõ tg.  Hđộng vừa mới xảy ra.  Hđộng bắt đầu trong Qk, vẫn còn tiếp tục ở Htại & có thể tiếp tục ở Tlai. Với: BEFORE, ALREADY, RECENTLY= LATELY, EVER, NEVER, YET , JUST, TWICE, SEVERAL TIMES, SINCE + mốc TG, FOR + khoảng TG, UP TO NOW=UP TILL NOW=SO FAR 4. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: (HTHTTD) S + has/ have + been + Ving. Ex: We have been studying English for many years. S + has/ have + not + been + Ving. Has/ Have + S + been + Ving? Diễn tả: - Hđộng bắt đầu trong Qkhứ, tiếp tục ở Htại & có thể đến Tlai 1
  2. ( nhấn mạnh tính liên tục) - since + mốc TG ; for + khoảng TG. 5. SIMPLE PAST (QKĐ) ed S + V2 Ex: I saw him yesterday. S + did + not + V1 Ex: She didn’t come last week. Did + S + V1 ? Ex: Did Mr. Lee phone an hour ago? *(Be) : was / were wasn’t, weren’t Diễn tả: - Hđộng đã xảy ra & chấm dứt hoàn toàn trong Qk ( xác định rõ TG) Với: - YESTERDAY, AGO ,LAST (night, week, year ) 6. PAST CONTINUOUS (QKTD) S + was/ were + Ving Ex: We were watching TV at 7 pm yesterday. S + was/ were + not + Ving Ex:I was writing while my father was reading. Was / were + S + Ving ? Ex: She was sleeping as the telephone rang. Diễn tả:  Hđộng xảy ra ở 1 giờ / khoảng giờ Qk xác định ( at 7pm, from 6 to 7, )  2 hđộng diễn ra // ở Qk. (while: trong khi) ed  1 hđộng Qk đang kéo dài thì 1 hđ ngắn đngột xảy ra (S + V2 ) Với: AT THAT TIME, AT THAT MOMENT 7. PAST PERFECT (QKTD) ed S + had + V3 Ex: Last night I went to bed after I dad done my homework. ed S + had + not + V3 ed Had + S + V3 ? Diễn tả: - Hđộng xảy ra trước 1 mốc TG ở Qk hoặc trước 1 hđ Qk ed Với : ( trước: S+ had +V3 ; sau: S + V2) 8. SIMPLE FUTURE (TLĐ) S + will / shall + V1 Ex: I’ll buy it tomorrow. S + will / shall + not + V1 Will / Shall + S + V1? *Note: will not =won’t ; shall not =shan’t. Diễn tả:  Hđ sẽ xảy ra trong tlai.  Lời yêu cầu (Will you + V1 ? ); Đề nghị ( Shall I / we + V1 ?) Với: TOMORROW, SOON, NEXT (week, month, ) 9. FUTURE PERFECT (TLHT) ed S + will / shall + have + V3 . Ex: We’ll have already finished the work by the time you get back tomorrow. Diễn tả:  Hđộng sẽ hoàn tất trong tlai. * Notes: 1) Near future: (Tlai gần) S + am/ is / are + going to + V1 : sẽ, sắp sửa, dự định Ex: I’m going to buy it tomorrow. 2)Một số động từ sau đây thường không dùng với thì tiếp diễn  Be : Ex: I am a student now.  Những động từ chỉ về giác quan: see, hear, feel, look (trông có vẻ), smell, taste, recognize.  Những động từ chỉ về cảm xúc: like, dislike love, hate, want wish, desire, refuse, forgive.  Những động từ chỉ về lí trí: understand, know, think, realize, suppose, believe, remember, forget, mind, expect, recollect.  Những động từ chỉ sự bắt đầu, tiếp tục, kết thúc: begin, continue, finish 2
  3. LESSON 2: PREPOSITIONS ( Giới từ) A. COMMON PREPOSITION: I. Prep. Of Place: 1. IN: ở trong ( 1 nơi/ vùng/ khu vực/ quốc gia/ thành phố/ ) Ex: in the room/ Asia/ Britain/ London/ in bed/ newspaper/ magazines/ the world/ 2. ON: ở trên Ex: on the table/ the board/ the floor/ on TV/ the radio/ telephone/ the way/ the street/ horse back/ 3. AT : ở tại (địa điểm nhỏ). Ex: at the desk/ the station/ the airport/ 72 Pham Ngu Lao street . at home/ school/ work 4. FROM : từ (nơi xuất phát). Ex: Mr. Mac Donald is from Scotland. 5. TO: đến (đích) . Ex: Elizabeth went to the store. 6. BETWEEN : ở giữa (2 người / vật). Ex: Mai is sitting between Nam and Nga. 7. AMONG: ở giữa , trong số Ex : The letter is somewhere among these papers. II. Prep. Of Time 1. IN: 1977( 1890, 2008 ) the summer (winter ) April (May, August ) the morning (afternoon, evening ) time: kịp lúc an hour - Ex : I will arrive in an hour. 3
  4. 2. ON : holiday weekend Monday 15, October October 15th 1977 Monday morning Christmas day time : đúng lúc fire : đang cháy 3. AT: 7 o’clock night midnight noon (the) weekend Christmas the end of the moment 4. SINCE (+ mốc TG): kể từ Ex: He has studied English since 1900. 5. FOR (+ 1 khoảng TG) : được Ex: ___ for 17 years 6. FROM: từ 7. TO : đến Ex: I lived in village from 1977 to 1992. III. Some Other Prep. : 1. By : bằng ,bởi. Ex: They can enrich the soil by using fertilizers. * by bus/ car/ train/ plane/ 2. On foot: đi bộ 3. For : cho , vì, để (chỉ mục đích) . Ex: What would you like for breakfast? Ex: Some people read for pleasure. 4. With : với , bằng. Ex: He went with her. Ex: I can write better with my own pen. 5. About : về. Ex: What do you think about her? 6. Of : của. Ex: The window of the living room. B. PREPOSITIONS FOLLOWING ADJECTIVES: 1. Adj + TO : acceptable, accustomed, agreeable, contrary, harmful, important, kind, likely, lucky, open, pleasant, similar, familiar, helpful, (but: it’s very kind of you.) 2. Adj + IN : interested, rich, successful 3. Adj + OF : afraid, ahead, aware, capable,confident, full, tired, sure, proud 4. Adj + FOR : available, difficult, late, perfect, useful, famous, responsible, sorry (S.O) 5. Adj + FROM : absent, different, safe, far 6. Adj + AT : clever, present, quick, skilful, good, bad, (angry at something/ with someone) 7. Adj + WITH : acquainted, crowed, friendly, popular, busy, bored, pleased, fed up 8. Adj + ABOUT : confused, sad, serious, worried, sorry (S.T) 4
  5. C. VERB + NOUN ( PHRASE) + PREPOSITION: 1. catch sight of : trông thấy 11. make room for : dọn chỗ cho 2. give place to : nhường chỗ cho 12. make use of : sử dụng 3. give way to : nhượng bộ ,tránh đường cho 13. pay attention to : chú ý đến 4. keep pace with : theo kịp, sánh bước 14. put a stop to : làm dừng lại 5. lose sight of : mất hút, không thấy 15. put an end to : chấm dứt 6. lose touch with : mất liên lạc với 16. set fire to : châm lửa, đốt 7. lose track of : mất dấu vết của 17. take account of : chú ý đến 8. make allowance for: chiếu cố đặc biệt 18. take advantage of : lợi dụng 9. make fun of : chế nhạo 19. take care of : chăm sóc 10.make a fuss over/ about 20. take note of : chú ý đến : cuống quýt về việc gì 21. take notice of : chú ý tới D. GO + PREPOSITION: 1. after: đuổi theo 7. down: giảm giá up: tăng giá 2. ahead: được tiến hành 8. on: tiếp tục 3. along: tiến triển 9. off: nổ 4. away: ra đi, rời khỏi nơi nào 10. out: tắt 5. back: trở về 11. over: xem xét kỹ 6. by: trôi qua( thời gian) E. CÁC TRƯỜNG HỢP KHÁC 1. belong to : thuộc về 13. look up : tra từ điển 2. on the contrary : ngược lại 14. look out : nhìn ra ngoài 3. on the whole : nói chung 15. look for : tìm kiếm 4. be up to = depend on : tuỳ thuộc vào 16. laugh at : cười nhạo 5. listen to : lắng nghe 17. good at : giỏi về cái gì 6. suffer from : bị, chịu 18. good for : tốt cho cái gì 7. free from : giải phóng khỏi 19. prevent from : ngăn không cho 8. write to : viết cho 20. be in bed : nằm trên giường 9. wait for : chờ 21. regard as : xem như 10. ask for : hỏi xin 22. be divided into : được chia thành 11. look at : nhìn 23. take part in : tham gia vào 12. look after : chăm sóc 5
  6. LESSON 3: WORD FORM ( Từ Loại ) A. PARTS OF SPEECH: I. Noun (n) 1) n + V : làm S cho V 2) V + n : làm O cho V 3) prep. + n : làm O cho prep. 4) be (là) + n : làm C ( C : complement: bổ ngữ) 5) adj + n Ex: People can see new film at the cinema. S O O He is a scientist. C * Notes: - a, an ,the - this, that, these, those - some, any, many, + n - my, your, Tom’s, II. Adjective (adj.): 1) adj + n 2) adv + adj 3) be (thì, là ), look có vẻ), feel, become, taste (có mùi), smell ( có vị), get, grow,remain, stay, turn, seem, appear, sound, + adj Ex: That young girl is very beautiful. III. Adverb (adv): 1) S + Vi + adv Ex: They arrived safely. 2) S + Vt + O + adv Ex: She did the housework disappointedly. 3) S + Vaux + adv + Vmain Ex: He can surely do it 4) adv + adj Ex: He is reasonably right. 5) adv + adv Ex: Jack runs very quickly. 6) S + V + adv Ex: We have bought it at that store recently. ( or: adv + S + V + . ) (or: Recently we have bought it at that store.) IV. Verb (v) : V đứng sau S. Các hình thức của V còn được dùng ở nhiều vị trí khác. Participle: Present participle ( Ving) ed Past participle ( V3 ) 1) Used in Continuous tenses ( Ving) ed 2) Used in Perfect tenses & Passive voice (V3 ) 3) Used as Adj: Ving Active meaning ed V3 Passive meaning Ex: a/ The match excites the fans. The match is exciting. The fans are excited. b/ The children have seen an interesting film. The children are interested in the film. B. FORMATION OF N, ADJ, V: I. V + suffix n : V + -tion, ation : conservation, preservation, prevention -ment : development -er : fertilizer 6
  7. -ing : poisoning, dirtying - age : drainage -0 : safeguard II. n + suffix adj : - ful : harmful, useful, delightful, successful,hopeful, helpful, peaceful - less : childless, odourless, speechless, restless, careless, harmless, treeless - ly : manly, brotherly, worldly, hourly, yearly, daily. n + - like : childlike, godlike, lifelike, statesmanlike = adj - y : dusty, snowy, rainy, sandy, dirty, healthy. - ish : foolish, selfish, childish - al : magical, agricultural, industrial, natural. III. OUT + Vi Vt (tốt hơn, nhanh hơn, lâu hơn) : outnumber, outgrow, outlive, outrun, outweigh IV. UNDER + n / V n / V( thấp hơn, bên dưới, kém hơn) : undergrowth, undercharge V. OVER + n/ Adj /V n/ Adj / V ( quá giới hạn, vượt, quá nhiều) overcoat, overanxious, overact. C. WORD FORM CHARTS: 1. satisfy (v) satisfied( past. Part) 2. disappoint(v) satisfying (pres. part) disappointed(past. Part) satisfactory (adj) disappointing(pres. part) satisfactorily (adv) disappointedly(adv) satisfaction (n) disappointment(n) 3. tolerate(v) tolerated( past. Part) tolerant(adj) tolerable(adj) tolerably(adv) tolerance(n) 4. important (adj) importance(n) 5. difficult(adj) difficulty(n) 7
  8. 6. determine (v) determination (n) 12. attract(v) attracted(past. Part) 7. tend (v) attractive(adj) tendency(n) attractively(adv) attraction(n) 8. occupy (v) occupied (past. Part) 13. reason(v) occupation(n) reasonable(adj) occupational (adj) reasonably(adv) reason(n) 9. potential (adj) / (n) 14. absorb(v) 10. expect(v) absorbed(past. Part) expected (past. Part) absorbent(adj) / (n) expecting(pres. part) absorptive(adj) expectant(adj) absorption(n) expectantly(adv) expectation(n) 15. deafen(v) deaf(adj) / (n) 11. prefer(v) deafness(n) preferential(adj) preferentially(adv) 16. militarize(v) preference(n) militaristic(adj) military(adj) / (n) militarily(adv) militarism(n) 8
  9. LESSON 4 : ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF TIME ( Mệnh Đề Trạng Từ Chỉ Thời Gian) I. PRESENT TENSES IN THE MAIN CLAUSE: Ex: 1/ a. We always take our umbrellas when it rains. b. We are singing as she comes. 2/ a. I usually read a newspaper while I am waiting for the bus. b. I’m writing while they are talking. 3./ He goes home after he has finished his work. 4/ a. She has played the piano since she was five. b. I’ve felt much better since I’ve been here. 5/ a. She greets me as soon as she sees me. b. He continues his journey as soon as he has finished his meal. Main Clause Adverbial Clauses of Time (Mđề chính) (Mđề Trạng từ chỉ TG) 1. S + V1 / s / es WHEN = AS S + V1 / s / es WHENEVER S + AM / IS / ARE + Ving (đang ) 2. S+ V1 / s / es WHILE =AS S + AM / IS / ARE + Ving (ñang ) S + AM / IS / ARE + Ving(ñang ) ed 3. S+ V1 / s / es AFTER S + HAS / HAVE + V3 ed ed 4. S + HAS / HAVE + V3 SINCE S + V2 ĐÃ CHẤM DỨT ed S + HAS / HAVE + V3 Vẫn còn 5. S + V1 / s / es AS SOON AS S + V1 / s / es UNTILL = TILL ed S + HAS / HAVE + V3 Hoàn tất II. PAST TENSES IN THE MAIN CLAUSE: EX: 1/ a. I sat near the window whenever I took a bus. b. It was raining hard when I got there. 2/ a. I met him while I was walking down the street. b. I was writing while he was reading. 3/ He smoked after he had finished his meal. 4/ He had finished his meal before he smoked. 5/ a. He left as soon as I told him. b. He left as soon as he had finished his work. Main Clause (Mđề chính) Adverbial Clauses of Time (Mđề Trạng từ chỉ TG) 1. S + V2 WHEN = AS S + V2 S + WAS / WERE + Ving WHENEVER (đang ) 2. S + V 2 WHILE =AS S + WAS / WERE + Ving (ñang ) S + WAS / WERE + Ving (ñang ) 9
  10. ED 3. S + V2 AFTER S + HAD + V3 ED 4. S + HAD + V3 BY THE TIME S + V2 BEFORE 5. S + V2 AS SOON AS S + V2 ED UNTILL = TILL S + HAD + V3 Hoaøn taát II. FUTURE TENSES IN THE MAIN CLAUSE: EX: 1/ a. We’ ll go when we want. b. I’m goint to wait until you have finished your homework. 2/ We will have finished the work by the time you get back tomorrow. Main Clause (Mđề chính) Adverbial Clauses of Time (Mđề Trạng từ chỉ TG) 1. S + WILL / SHALL + V1 WHEN =AS S + V1 / s / es AS SOON AS OR: UNTILL = TILL ed S + AM / IS / ARE GOING TO + V1 S + HAS / HAVE + V3 Hoàn tất ed 2. S + WILL / SHALL + HAVE + V3 BY THE TIME S+ V1 / s / es Hoaøn taát BEFORE Note: Khoâng duøng thì Tlai trong Mñeà Traïng töø chæ TG Duøng caùc thì Htaïi thay theá. LESSON 5 : MAKING & ANSWERING QUESTIONS ( Dựng & Trả Lời Câu Hỏi) Types Questions Answers Yes, Spron. + Vpreceding Q. Yes - No Inter. form? No, Spron. + Vpreceding Q. + NOT Or Inter. form + A or B? Affir. form + A/B Wh Wh + Inter. form? Affir. form Ex: 1. Uncle Ho / die / 1969? - Did Uncle Ho die in 1969? Yes, he did. 2. Faraday / writer or scientist? - Was Faraday a writer or a scientist? He / Faraday was a scientist. 3. When / Tom / go / school? - When does Tom often go to school? He/Tom often goes to school in the morning. Notes: 1. When “Wh” is the Subject or Modifies the Subject Affir. form is used in the Q. Ex: a/ Who can swim? Nam can swim. b/ How many students are absent today? Two students are absent today. 2. Tag Question: Ex: The weather is nice , isn’t it ? Yes, it is. 3. Commands: 10
  11. V1 ( Hãy ): List/ Mention/ Name/ Give They are / It is Ex: Name some English scientists. They / Some E. scientists are Newton, Faraday, LESSON 6: ACTIVE or PASSIVE VOICE ( Chủ Động và Thụ Động Cách) A: S + V + O ed P: S + BE + V3 + by O (chia thì theo động từ của câu Active) (A : Active P : Passive) Ex: 1/ A: Tom eats apples every day. P: Apples are eaten by Tom every day. 2/ A: They saw him in the shop. P: He was seen in the shop ( by them ) ACTIVE PASSIVE V1 / Vs/es Am/ is /are ed V2 Was / were Am/ is /are Am/ is /are ed + Ving + being + V3 Was / were Was / were Has / have Has / have ed + V3 + been Had Had Will (would) Will (would) Shall (should) Shall (should) Can(could) Can(could) ed May (might) May (might) + V3 Must + V1 Must + be Be going to Be going to Be able to Be able to Have to Have to Ought to Ought to Used to Used to Notes: 1/ A: S + V + OI + OD ed P: S + BE + V3 + OD + by + O OR: ED ( S + BE + V3 + for/ to + OI + by + O) 11
  12. Ex: A: Lan gave Mary some books. OI OD P: Mary was given some books by Lan. OR:(Some books were given to Mary by Lan.) 2/ A: S + V + (THAT) + S + V . ed P: S + BE + V3 + TO + V1 OR: ed IT + BE + V3 + by + O + (THAT) S + V V : SAY KNOW THINK BELIEVE REPORT RUMOUR TELL CLAIM PROVE CONSIDER Ex : A : They say that they has been ill. P : He is said to have been ill. (or : It is said that he has been ill.) *CLEFT SENTENCES: 1. S1 + VA (PRESENT) + that + S2 + VB (PRESENT) IT + IS + V3 (A) + that + S2 + VB (PRESENT) S2 + IS/ ARE + V3 (A) + TO + inf ( of V B) Ex: - People say that prevention is better than cure It’s said that prevention is better than cure Prevention is said to be better than cure - People say that he is a good student It’s said that he is a good student He is said to be a good student 2. S1 + VA( PRESENT) + that + S2 + VB( PAST) IT + IS + V3 (A) + that + S2 + VB (PAST) S2 + IS/ ARE + V3 (A) + to have +V3 (B) Ex: - They say that three men were arrested after the murder It’s said that three men were arrested after the murder Three men are said to have been arrested after the murder 3. S1 + VA ( PAST) + that + S2 + VB ( PAST) IT + WAS + V3 (A) + that + S2 + VB (PAST) S2 + WAS/ WERE + V3 (A) + to have +V3 (B) Ex: -Everybody believed that he had died of AIDS It’s was believed that he had died of AIDS He was believed to have died of AIDS LESSON 7: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ( Câu Điều Kiện) 12
  13. Types and Use If Clause ( Mđề IF) Main Clause ( Mđề chính) (Loại và Cách dùng ) 1. Future Possible V1 /s /es will ĐK có thể xảy ra ở IF + S + do /does +not + V1 S + shall + V1 HT&TL *BE: am, is ,are can may ed 2. Present Unreal: V2 would ĐK không thể xảy IF + S + did not + V1 S+ should + V1 ra ở HT&TL *BE: were could might 3. Past Unreal: would ed ed ĐK không thể xảy IF + S + had + V3 S+ should + have + V3 ra ở QK. could might Ex: 1. If it is fine, we will go. 2. I’d fly everywhere if I were a bird. 3. If you had met the president yesterday, what would you have done?  Sentence Transformation: A/ UNLESS = IF NOT If + Neg. form = Unless + Affir. form am /is/ are not am /is/ are do /does not + V1 V1/s /es ed If + S + did not+V1 = UNLESS + S + V2 were not were ed ed had not+ V3 had + V3 Ex: If you didn’t study hard, you’d get bad marks. = Unless you studied hard, you’d get bad marks. Note: Nếu câu với Mđề IF Kđịnh, Mđề chính ở thể Pûđịnh , ta có thể chuyển sang UNLESS = cách đổi Mđề chính thành thể Kđịnh. Ex: If you are lazy, you can’t be successful = Unless you are lazy, you can be successful. 13
  14. B/ CÁCH VIẾT CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN TỪ TÌNH HUỐNG T. HUỐNG CHO: 1.Có từ “OR” : viết đk loại 1 2. H.tại : loại 2 3.Q. khưÙ : loại 3 4.Có từ “SO”: viết xuôi S + V SO S + V IF + S + V , S + V 5.Có từ “BECAUSE”: viết ngược S + V because S +V IF + S + V , S + V 6. Phủ định viết khẳng định & ngược lại Examples: 1. I am not clever, so I won’t be a doctor. If I were clever, I would be a doctor. 2. John was sick because he ate much cake. If John hadn’t eaten much cake, he’d not have been sick. Trường hợp khác : 1. S+ can /will+ V1 but S + must/ have to +V1 IF + S + V1/Vs,es , S + can/ will + V1 ( Đk 1) Ex: I’ll let you borrow the book but you must promise to return it next week. If you promise to return the book next week, I’ll let you borrow it. 2. V 1 or S + will /can +V1 S + will/ can + V1 unless you + V1 Ex: Work hard or you’ll fail the exam. You’ll fail the exam unless you work hard. LESSON 8 : UNREAL WISHES ( Ước Muốn Không Thể Xảy Ra) could + V1 : Tình huống Htại / Tlai , trái với khả năng S + wish + (that) would / should + V1 : Tình huống Tlai + S + V2 / were; didn’t+ V1 / weren’t : Tình huống Htại If only hadn’t + V3 : Tình huống Qkhứ Ex: a) I wish I (can fly) could fly. 14
  15. b) We wish it (be) would be sunny soon. c) If only we (see) saw a UFO now. d) He wishes he (meet) had met her yesterday.  Sentence Transformation: S+ be sorry What a pity + ( that) S + V a. It is a pity S + regret + Ving / S + V S + do / does not like + Ving / to v1 S + wish + ( that ) + S + V Note: - Thêm S ( nếu thiếu) - Kđịnh  Pđịnh ( và ngược lại) - Htại  Qkhứ; - Qkhứ  Qkhứ hoàn thành Ex: I’m sorry that I didn’t come yesterday.  I wish ( that) I had come yesterday. Ex: Mr. Taylor doesn’t like living in a small house.  Mr. Taylor wishes he didn’t live in a small house. ed S + would like / would love + to V1 / to have + V3 b. ed S+ wish + ( that) S + V2 / S + had + V3 Ex: I’d like to have met her.  I wish I had met her. LESSON 9: GERUND AND INFINITIVE ( Danh Động Từ & Động Từ Nguyên Mẫu) A. GERUND (Ving) : đóng vai trò V & N cùng một lúc. Vai trò: 1.S ( Ex: Learning English is easily.) 2.O - Sau prep. (Ex: We are interested in studying English.) - Sau một số V (Ex: I enjoy swimming.) 3. C (Ex: Conservation is the safeguarding and the preservation of natural resources.) Notes: The + Ving + of + n ( Ex: The reclaiming of land.) B. GERUND OR INFINITIVE : I. Các động từ được theo sau bằng động từ nguyên mẫu ( To+V1) Theo qui luật thông thường, động từ nào đúng sau một động từ khác thì phải ở dạng 15
  16. nguyên mẫu (TO +V1) Ex: a) I would like to speak to Mr. Duran. b) Mary asked John to help her. c) My brother wants to become a pharmacist. d) Every body is expecting her to come. II. Các động từ & cụm từ được theo sau bằng Ving : 1. acknowledge 26. mind 2. admit 27. miss 3. appreciate 28. practise 4. avoid 29. prevent 5. celebrate 30. prohibit 6. consider 31. propose 7. delay =postpone 32. quit 8. deny 33. recall 9. detest 34. report 10. discontinue 35. resent 11. discuss 36. resist 12. dislike 37. risk 13. endure 38. suggest 14. enjoy 39. support 15. escape 40. tolerate 16. explain 41. understand 17. fancy = imagine 42. be accustomed to = be used to 18. feel like 43. be busy 19. finish 44. be worth 20. forgive 45. can’t help 21. include 46. can’t stand 22. involve 47. get used to = become accustomed to 23. justify 48. look forward to 24. keep(continue) 49. it’s no good 25. mention 50. it’s no use III. Các động từ được theo sau bằng Ving / To V1 nhưng không dổi nghĩa: 1. continue 5. begin 2. dread 6. hate 3. like 7. love 4. prefer 8. start Ex: She started to learn English when she was 5 years old.  She started learning English when she was 5 years old. IV. Các động từ được theo sau bằng Ving / To V1 nhưng dổi nghĩa: 1. FORGET, REGET, To V1 : sẽ xảy ra ( Tlai) + REMEMBER Ving : đãõ xảy ra ( Qkhứ) Ex: a) Remember to sent John a present. Today is his birthday. b) I remember meeting you somewhere before but I’m sorry I forget your name. 2. TRY + To V1 : cố gắng làm. Ving : thử làm. 16
  17. Ex: a) She tries to pass the entrance exam to the college. b) Try knocking at the back door if nobody hears you at the front door. 3. STOP + To V1 : dừng lại để làm việc gì khác. Ving : dừng lại không làm việc gì (đang làm) nữa. Ex: a) Feeling sleepy, the driver stopped to drink a coffee b) That old man tried to stop smoking because of his bad cough. 4. NEED + To V1 : cần phải làm ( ý chủ động). Ving : cần phải được làm ( ý bị động). Ex: a) Tom needs to work harder. b) The grass in front of the house needs cutting. V. Một số trường hợp khác: 1. ADVISE To V1 Ex: The police allow us to go there ALLOW + PERMIT RECOMMEND V ing Ex: The police allow going there. 17
  18. 2. FEEL HEAR + Vo / Ving ( đang) Ex: We saw David jog SEE jogging in the park. WATCH HELP 3. MAKE + O + V1 Ex: Please let me go. LET NOTICE BID 4. WOULD RATHER + V1 Ex: I’d rather drink tea than coffee. HAD BETTER ( not ) You’d better not go out. LESSON10 : CLAUSES & PHRASES OF CAUSES & EFFECTS (Mệnh Đề Và Cụm Từ Chỉ Nguyên Nhân Và Kết Quả) 1. S + be / Vord + SO + adj / adv + THAT + S + V ( quaù ñeán noåi ) Ex: The tea is so hot that I can’t drink it. He drove so badly that he couldn’t pass the driving test. S + V + SUCH + (a/ an) + adj + n + THAT + S + V 2. ( quaù ñeán noåi ) Ex: It is such hot tea that I can’t drink. He was such a bad driver that he couldn’t pass the driving test. 3. S + be / V ord + TOO + adj/adv + (for +O) + TO + V1 (+ O)* ( quaù neân khoâng theå ) * Bỏ ‘for O’ khi O này = S hoặc chỉ chung chung. * Bỏ O của ‘to V’ khi O này = S Ex: The tea is too hot for me to drink. He drove too badly to pass the driving test. be +adj 4/ S + ___ + enough + (for +O) + To V1 ( + O ) V ord + adv (đủ để ) 18
  19. Ex: The tea is not warm enough for me to drink. He didn’t drive well enough to pass the driving test.  Sentence Transformation: S(n) + be + SO + adj + THAT a/ It /This /That  + be + SUCH + (a/ an) +adj + n + THAT He/ She/ They Ex: The tea is so hot that I can’t drink it.  It is such hot tea that I can’t drink it. S + Vord + SO + adv + THAT b/  S + be + SUCH + (a/an) + adj + n + THAT Ex: He drove so badly that he couldn’t pass the driving test.  He was such a bad driver that ___. S + V + SO + adj / adv + THAT + S + V + (O )* c/ S + V + TOO + adj/adv + (for +O) + TO + V1 (+ O)* * Bỏ ‘for O’ khi O này = S hoặc chỉ chung chung. * Bỏ O của ‘To V’ khi O này = S Ex: a) The tea is so hot that I can’t drink.  The tea is too hot for me to drink. b) He drove so badly that he couldn’t pass the driving test.  He drove too badly to pass the driving test. TOO + adj / adv d/  NOT + adj /adv + ENOUGH Ex: The tea is too hot for me to drink.  The tea is not warm enough for me to drink. LESSON 11 : RELATIVE CLAUSES ( Mệnh Đề Quan Hệ) Relative Pronouns & Adverbs: Functions Subject Object Poss. Adv Antecedents Things Which Which Whose + n (of which) People Who Whom Whose + n 19
  20. Place Where Time When Reason Why Notes: *Where = prep + nplace *When = prep + ntime *Why = for + the reason *‘THAT’ thay thế cho “WHO, WHOM, WHICH” trong mệnh đề có giới hạn (không đứng sau dấu phẩy, prep). *Dùng 1 hoặc 2 dấu phẩy tách mệnh đề quan hệ ra khỏi mệnh đề chính khi tiền danh từ là: - Danh từ riêng - Danh từ được bổ nghĩa = THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE - Danh từ được bổ nghĩa = sở hữu (MY, YOUR, ,TOM’S HOUSE, ) - Danh từ được bổ nghĩa = 1 nhóm từ ( EX: The man from Hanoi, ) Ex: They wanted to see my manager, who was away. Relative Clauses: Rel. Cl. Relative clause Ant. Relative pronoun / adverb The other parts Things + which / that + V ( + O) + S + V People + who / that + V( + O) + whom /that + S + V V ( + O) People/ things + whose + n + S + V Place + where Time + when + S + V (+ O) Reason + why Ex: a/ Could you iron the trousers? They’re hanging up behind the door.  Could you iron the trousers which/that are hanging up behind the door? b/ She showed me the radio. She had bought it  She showed me the radio which/ that She had bought. c/ I don’t like the people. People lose their temper easily.  I don’t like the people who /that lose their temper easily. d/ The man works here. I saw him yesterday.  The man whom/ that I saw yesterday works here. e/ The house is very large. Its door is green.  The house whose door is green is very large. f/ Have you seen the girl? I’m keeping her bicycle.  Have you seen the girl whose bicycle I’m keeping? g/ Vietnam is beautiful. We live in vietnam. Vietnam, where we live, is beautiful. LESSON 12: REPORTED SPEECH (Câu Tường Thuật) 1. Phát biểu: S + V (chia rồi) 20
  21. TOLD + O Ex1: They said to us, “These are snakes.” S + (THAT) + S +V (lùi thì)  They told us (that) those were snakes. SAID Ex2 : “I came at 8 o’clock,” he said.  He said (that) he had come at 8 o’clock. 2. Câu hỏi: a/ WH_ / How_ Questions: “WH + V + S ?” b/ YES _ NO Questions: “ V + S ?” asked + (O) + WH S + wanted to know S + V (lùi thì) wondered + IF / WHETHER Ex1: The stranger said, “ Where is Tra Vinh town school?”  The stranger asked where Tra Vinh town school was. Ex2: “ Did you see him?” she said to me.  She asked me if / whether I had seen him. 3.Mệnh Lệnh &ø Yêu Cầu: To+V1 ( KĐ) Not + To + V1 ( PĐ) TOLD To + V1 (MLKĐ) Ex: He said to us, “ Keep silent here, please.” S + + O +  He told us to keep silent there. ASKED Ex: “Don’t laugh at me” said Mary. Not to + V1 (MLPĐ)  Mary asked me not to laugh at her. Notes: 1. Change of Adverbs of Time & Place: Direct speech Reported Direct speech Reported speech speech 1. here 1. there 6. tonight 6. that night 2. this 2. that 7. yesterday 7. the previous day, the day before 3. these 3. those 8. ago 8. before 4. now 4. then 9. tomorrow 9. the following day, the next day 5. today 5. that day 10. next (week .) 10. the following (week ) 2. Change of Pronoun & Poss. Adj: Per. Subj. Obj. Poss. Adj. Poss. Pro. I 1 I Me My Mine YOU We Us Our Ours HE 2 You You Your Yours SHE 21
  22. 3 They Them Their Theirs IT He Him His His WE 3 She Her Her Hers YOU It It Its its THEY S + V + O, “ person 1 person 2” (chúng) tôi (các)bạn 3. Changes of Tenses: Direct Speech Reported Speech Notes: ed V1 / Vs/es V2 1/ Khi töø ‘WH’ laøm S hoaëc boå nghóa cho S O ñoåi theå. am was Ex: “Who has broken this vase?” said my father. is +Ving +Ving  My father asked who had broken that vase. are were 2/ Khi caâu tröïc tieáp dieãn taû 1 chaân lí, söï thaät hieån nhieân ed ed has / have + V3 had + V3 O ñoåi thì. ed V2 Ex: Our teacher said, “The sun rises in the East.” was / were + Ving had been + Ving  Our teacher said that the sun rises in the east. 3/ Khi ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät ôû thì Htaïi or Tlai O ñoåi thì, will would khoâng ñoåi thôøi gian & nôi choán, chæ ñoåi ngoâi. shall should Ex: He says, “I’m hurry now.” can +V1 could +V1  He says that he is hungry now. may might 4/ S + should / had better + (not) V1 must had to  S + advised + O + (not) To V1 Ex: You should eat a lot of fresh fruit. He advised me to eat a lot of fresh fruit. Taát caû caùc hình thöùc khi ñoåi sang caâu töôøng thuaät phaûi ñoåi ngoâi : Ngoâi 1 ñoåi theo ngöôøi noùi (S) Ngoâi 2 ñoåi theo ngöôøi nghe (O) Ngoâi 3 giöõ nguyeân LESSON 13 : CLAUSES OF PURPOSE (Mệnh Đề Chỉ Mục Đích) SO THAT can/could S + V + ___ + S + will/ would + V1 IN ORDER THAT shall/ should để mà may/ might Ex: a) We study hard. We want to pass the exam.  We study hard so that we can pass the exam. b) I helped Nam. I wanted him to finish the work on time.  I helped Nam in order that he could finish the work on time. Notes: Phrase of Purpose 22
  23. to S + V + in order to + V1 so as to in order for + O +TO đeÅ Ex: We study hard to pass the exam.  I helped Nam in order for him to finish the work on time. LESSON 14 : COMPARISONS ( So Sánh) Types Models 1/ Equal Degree AS + adj / adv + AS (So sánh bằng) (bằng, như) NOT AS/SO + adj. / adv + AS (không bằng, không như) adj. / adv(ngắn) + ER + THAN 2/Comparitive Degree (So sánh hơn) MORE + adj. / adv(dài) + THAN THE + adj. / adv(ngắn) + EST 3/ Superlative Degree (So sánh nhất) THE MOST + adj. / adv(dài) Examples: 1/ a) You are as tall as I am. (=me) b) John doesn’t work as/so effectively as Tom (does) 2/ a) The letter will probably arrive sooner than you expect. b) Mr. Smith can drive more carefully than his wife (can). 3/ a) She works (the) hardest of anyone in the class. b) That’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Notes: 1/ Short Adj. / Adv (ngắn): - 1 vần Ex: tall, soon. Small - 2 vần tận cùng = -y,-er, -le,-ow, -et, Ex: happy, clever, simple, early. 2/ Long Adj. /Adv (dài): - 2 vần trở lên, trừ các trường hợp trên Ex: modern, carefully, comfortable - 2 vần tận cùng = -ly Ex: quickly, loudly 3/ So Sánh Nhất : Dùng cho 3 đối tượng trở lên. 4/ Khi thêm “-er ; -est” large larger largest 23
  24. big bigger biggest dry drier driest 5/ So Sánh Bất Qui Tắc: good / well better best bad / badly worse worst many/much more most little less least far farther/further farthest/furthest  Sentence Transformation: adj. / adv + ER A + V + ___ + THAN + B MORE + adj. /adv 1/  B + V not + SO / AS + adj. /adv AS + A adj. / adv(phản nghĩa) + ER  B + V + ___ + THAN + A MORE + adj. /adv(phản nghĩa) Ex: Betty is younger than Susan.  Susan is not so young as Betty. ( Susan is older than Betty.) adj. + ER A + be + a(an) + ___ + n + THAN + B 2/ MORE + adj.  B + V not + SO /AS + adv + AS + A Ex: He is a more careful driver than I am. I don’t drive so carefully as he does. (=as him) S + has/have + never/not + V3 + such + a(an) + adj. + n (before) 3/ adj. + est This is the + ___ + n + (that) + S + has/have + (ever) V3 most + adj. Ex: He has never watched such an exciting match before.  This is the most exciting match he’s ever watched. adj. + er 4/ No one / Nobody + place + be + ___ + than + A more + adj. adj. + est  A + be + the + ___ + place most + adj Ex: No one in the village is stronger than Tom.  Tom is the strongest in the village. 24
  25. LESSON 15 : SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION ( Biến đổi câu) 1 khoảng TG + ago. S + started /began + Ving / to V1 + (prep.+) mốc TG 1/ V3 for + khoảng TG  S + has / have + + been +Ving since + mốc TG Ex: We started studying English half an hour ago.  We’ve been studying English for half an hour. 1 khoaûng TG + ago. The last time + S + V2 + was + (prep.+) moác TG 2a/ for + khoaûng TG  S + has / have not + V3 + since + moác TG Ex: The last time she had a swim was five years ago.  She has not had a swim for five years. S + last + V2 + when S + V2 2b/  S + has / have not + V3 + since + S + V2 Ex: I last went to the football match when I was a student.  I haven’t gone to the football match since I was a student. S + has / have not + V3 + for + 01 khoaûng TG 3/  It + is + 1 khoaûng TG + since + S + V2 Ex: She hasn’t had a swim for five years.  It is five years since she had a swim. S + has /have + never/not + V 3 (+before) 4/  This / it is the first time + (that) + S + has /have + ever + V 3 Ex: I’ve never visited Paris before.  This is the first time (that) I’ve (ever) visited Paris. 25
  26. S + V2 and then (S) + V2 5/  After + S + had + V3 , S + V2 Ex: I had breakfast and then went to school.  After I had had breakfast, I went to school. 6/ The formal subject “IT”: Ving / To V1 + be + adj. /n (+for O)  IT + be + adj. / n (+for O) + To V1 Ex: Knowing English is useful.  It is useful to know English. 7/ The formal object “IT”: Ving / To V1 + be + adj. /n  S + V* + IT + adj. / n + to V1 V* : find, make, think. consider, believe, feel, Ex: Living in the city is exciting.  Some people find it exciting to live in the city. be accustomed to = be used to 8/ + V ing become accustomed to = get used to Ex: We often go to school by bus. We are used to going to school by bus. 9/ used to + V 1 Ex: My grandfather often played tennis when he was young.  My grandfather used to play tennis when he was young. S + spend(s) / spent + time + V ing 10/  It + takes / took (+ O) + time + To V1 Ex: We spent five hours getting to London. It took us five hours to get to London. can S + ___ not + V1 because of + n could 11/ prevent(s) / stop(s) 26
  27.  S + ___ + O + from + Ving prevented / stopped Ex: We can’t drive because of fog. The fog prevents us from driving. 12/ Inversion: Đảo ngữ Adv* + V + S Adv*: No longer, Never, Rarely, Seldom, Only, No sooner, Hardly . Ex: She no longer gets up early.  No longer does she get up early. 13/ Who + do /does + S + belong to?  Who own(s) .?  Whose + V + S ?  Whose + n + V + S . ? Ex: Who does this bicycle belong to?  Who owns this bicycle?  Whose is this bicycle?  Whose bicycle is this? 14/ Causative Form: O (Người) +V1 ( Chủ động) S + have / get + O (vật) + V3 (bị động) nhờ ai đó làm việc gì Ex : a) Tom is going to repair my T.V tomorrow.  I am going to have Tom repair my T.V tomorrow.  I am going to have my T.V repaired by Tom tomorrow. b) He’s getting someone to mend the window.  He’s having the window mended. 15/ Because + S + V  Because of + n / Ving Example: a) Because she walked in the sun, she was sick.  Because of walking in the sun, she was sick. b) Because the weather was bad,the train was delayed for twenty minutes.  Because of the bad weather, the train was delayed for twenty minutes. b) Because the + n + be + adj  Because of the + adj + n c) Because he is ill, he can’t go there.  Because of his illness, he can’t go there. c) Because S + be + adj  Because of poss. adj + n 27
  28. d) Because she behaves well, everybody loves her.  Because of her good behavior, everybody loves her. d) Because S + V*ord. + adv  Because of Poss. Adj + adj + n V* : develop, invent, liberate, discover, behave, rain (n) : development, invention, liberation, discovery, behavior, rain, e) Because there was the August Revolution, Vietnam was freed from colonialism and feudalism.  Because of the August Revolution, Vietnam was freed from colonialism and feudalism. e) Because + there + be + n  Because of + n 16/ Although / Though + S + V  In spite of / Despite + n /Ving . Ex: Although he is rich, he is extremely mean.  In spite of his richness, he is extremely mean. 17. Styles: Using N Using V 1) There + be a determination  S + be determined 2) There + be a tendency  S + tend 3) show a desire  desire 4) give thought to  think about/of 5) have knowledge of  know about Ex: There is a determination to overcome problems.  Children are determined to overcome problems. LESSON 16 : SUBJECT AND VERB CONCORD (Sự Hòa Hợp Giữa Chủ Từ Và Động Từ) *Special Cases: prep n / pron + ___ + n / pron + V 1/ as well as Ex: The teacher with his students is in the classroom. 2/ N / Pron + or / nor + N / Pron + V Ex: Either he or you are the translator. Each 28
  29. 3/ ___ (of) + n / pron + V sing Every Ex: Each of us has books and pens. Everybody Somebody Anybody 4/ = Everyone = Anyone = no one + Vsing Everything Something Anything Ex: Everyone knows him. 5. None of + N/pron + V Ex : None of the students have good mark. None of the student has good mark. 6. A number of + N + Vplural Ex : A number of students are absent from class today. The number of + N + Vsingular This year, the number of accidents has risen. 7. S(thời gian, tiền, khoảng cách, trọng lượng) + Vsingular Ex : Twenty dollars is too much for that shirt. 8. S(Ving/To V) + Vsingular Ex : Smoking is bad for health. To live is to struggle ( Sống là tranh đấu ) 9. There + Be + N Ex : There is some sugar in the jar. There are some books on the self. 10. Phần trăm/phân số + of + Nkhông đếm được + Vsingular Ex : Sixty percent of waste paper is recycled. Phần trăm/phân số + of + Nplural + Vplural Ex : Half of the students in this school come from the country. LESSON 17 : EXPRESSIONS OF QUANTITY (Những Cụm Từ Chỉ Số Lượng) I. Expressions of quantity: 1) with plural, countable nouns: MOST A LARGE NUMBER OF MANY books are useful. A LOT OF / LOTS OF SOME (A) FEW 2) With uncountable nouns: MOST A GREAT DEAL OF MUCH sugar is sold. A LOT OF / LOTS OF SOME (A) LITTLE 3) With verbs: 29
  30. A GREAT DEAL OF They know MUCH about English literature. A LOT (A) LITTLE * Notes: 1. most them / us / . many + OF + the / this / that /these / those (a) few my / your / . /Tom’s/ . (a) little 2. Many / Much thường dùng : - in neg. & inter. Form Ex: He can’t drink much. - after TOO, SO, AS ,VERY Ex: There are too many night club here. 3. A little, a few some : positive Ex : Would you like a little tea? Little , few o : negative Ex : He’s a man of few words. II. HOW MUCH, HOW MANY Questions : 1) How many + pl. Count. Noun + inter. form? Ex: how many students are there in your class? 2) How much + uncount. noun + inter. form? Ex: how much time does jane spend studying? 3) How much + inter. form? Ex: how much did he drink last night? Notes: how many / how much + S + affir. form? Ex: How many English tourists have visited TV? Irregular verbs 1. be:am/is/are Was/were, Been Là,thì,ở,bị,được 2. beat Beat Beaten Đánh 3. become Became Become Trở nên 4. begin Began Begun Bắt đầu 5. bind Bound Bound Trói,buộc,bám 6. bite Bit Bitten Cắn 7. blow Blew Blown Thổi 8. break Broke Broken Làm gãy,làm vỡ 9. bring Brought Brought Mang lại 10. build Built Built Xây dựng 11. buy Bought Bought Mua 12. catch Caught Caught Bắt 13. choose Chose Chosen Chọn lựa 14. come Came Come Đến 15. cost Cost Cost Trị giá 16. cut Cut Cut Chặt, cắt 17. do Did Done Làm 18. draw Drew Drawn Vẽ 19. drink Drank Drunk Uống 20. drive Drove Driven Lái xe 21. eat Ate Eaten Ăn 22. fall Fell Fallen Rơi,té 23. feed Fed Fed Cho ăn 24. feel Felt Felt Cảm thấy 25. fight Fought Fought Chiến đấu 26. find Found Found Tìm thấy 27. fly Flew Flown Bay 28. forbid Forbad(e) Forbidden Cấm 30
  31. 29. forget Forgot Forgetten Quên 30. freeze Froze Frozen Đông lạnh 31. get Got Got/gotten Bị,được,trở nên 32. give Gave Given Cho 33. go Went Gone Đi 34. grow Grew Grown Trồng,mọc,phát triển 35. hang Hung Hung Treo,mắc 36. have Had Had Có 37. hear Heard Heard Nghe 38. hide Hid Hidden Che giấu,ẩn nấp 39. hit Hit Hit Đụng,đánh 40. hold Held Held Cầm,nắm,giữ 41. hurt Hurt Hurt Làm đau 42. keep Kept Kept Giữ 43. know Knew Known Biết 44. lay Laid Laid Đặt,để 45. lead Led Led Dẫn,dắt 46. leave Left Left Rời khỏi,để lại 47. lend Lent Lent Cho mượn 48. let Let Let Để cho 49. lie Lay Lain Nằm 50. lose Lost Lost Mất,thua,lỗ 51. make Made Made Làm,chế tạo 52. meet Met Met Gặp 53. overcome Overcame Overcome Khắc phục,vượt qua 54. pay Paid Paid Trả tiền 55. put Put Put Đặt,để 56. read Read Read Đọc 57. ride Rode Ridden Cưỡi(ngựa, xe đạp) 58. ring Rang Rung Rung (chuông) 59. rise Rose Risen Mọc 60. run Ran Run Chạy 61. say Said Said Nói 62. see Saw Seen Thấy 63. seek Sought Sought Tìm đến 64. sell Sold Sold Bán 65. send Sent Sent Gửi 66. shake Shook Shaken Rung, lắc 67. shine Shone Shone Chiếu sáng 68. shoot Shot Shot Bắn 69. show Showed Shown Chỉ,cho xem 70. sing Sang Sung Hát 71. sleep Slept Slept Ngủ 72. speak Spoke Spoken Nói 73. sit Sat Sat Ngồi 74. spend Spent Spent Trãi qua, tiêu xài 75. stand Stood Stood Đứng 76. steal Stole Stolen Ăn cắp 77. strike Struke Struke Đánh 78. swim Swam Swum Bơi 79. swing Swung Swung Đung đưa,lúc lắc 80. take Took Taken Lấy,đưa,dẫn 81. teach Taught Taught Dạy 82. tear Tore Torn Xé 31
  32. 83. tell Told Told Kể,bảo 84. think Thought Thought Suy nghĩ 85. throw Threw Thrown Ném,liệng 86. understand Understood Understood Hiểu 87. wake Woke Woken Thức giấc 88. wear Wore Worn Mặc,mang,đội 89. win Won Won Thắng,đoạt 90. write Wrote Written viết 32