Các dạng bài tập chia động từ

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  2. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. I - Bài thứ nhất: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc 1. (come). What may, we will go ahead. >>> Come. -Đây là câu mệnh lệnh thức , động từ đ•ợc chia ở dạng nguyên thể. 2. We suggest that this application (apply) next year. >>> apply - Ta có một số cấu trúc của suggest: 1 _ Suggest that S + do (Nguyên thể không chia) (đây là cấu trúc giả định ng•ời nói nói vậy, còn ng•ời nghe có thựchiện hay không không quan tâm, khác câu d•ới) 2_ suggest to sbody that S + should do 3. If you (teach) me, I would learn quickly. >>> taught - đây là câu điều kiện loại 2 4. Is it not time we (set) our house on order ? >>>> set Đây là một câu hỏi sử dụng cấu trúc ở d•ới, do set có dạng chia phân từ quá khứ và phân từ hai là cùng dạng set_set_set nên ta s• dụng "set" với vai trò là động từ thời quá khứ. - Cấu trúc: It's (not) time to do : đã đến giờ làm gì (đúng thời điểm) It's (not) time S did something. (Đã đến giờ để làm gì _ hơi trễ một chút) It's (not) time S have done. (Đã trễ giờ để làm gì) - Có thể sử dụng một số trạng từ trong cấu trúc câu này: Highly : it's highly time để nhấn mạnh 5 . The committee recommends that the annual subscription (be) increased to $3. >>> be - Committee : uỷ ban - Annual subcription: tiền đóng góp hàng năm - cấu trúc: S + recommend + that + S + do (Vinf) S + suggest that S do Gọi đây là cấu trúc giả định, cho nên động từ phải chia ở dạng nguyên thể, do đó trong câu ta chia động từ to be ở dạng "be" * Tiếng anh _ Anh, ng•ời ta có sử dụng should tr•ớc động từ nguyên thể, nh•ng anh _ mỹ ng•ời ta bỏ should đi 6. (Be) that as it may, our expenditure is bound to increase >>> Be - Expenditure: Sự tiêu dùng, phí tổn - be bound (adj) to : có h•ớng nh• thế nào đó " hãy nh• vậy đi, chi phí của chúng ta có xu h•ớng gia tăng" - Câu này chia để be ở dạng nguyên thể vì
  3. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. + Đây không phải là câu rút gọn do có cùng chủ ngữ, nếu xét tình huống là câu rút gọn thì be phải chia là Being + Trong tiếng anh, một câu có thể l•ợc chủ ngữ đi, và động từ ở dạng nguyên thể không to, đây là một tr•ờng hợp 7. "Hello Anna". The part last night was great. You should (come) >>> have come. - đây là một hình thức câu giả định trong quá khứ, thực tế Ann không đến bữa tiệc tối qua, nên ng•ời bạn nói rằng cô ấy nên đến. 8. The speed limit is 30 miles an hour but Tom is driving at 50. He shouldn't (be ) driving so fast >>> have been driving Đây là câu giả định, ng•ời nói nói rằng, Tom không nên vẫn lái xe nhanh nh• thế Hành động này đang xảy ra, ng•ời nói nói trong lúc Tom vẫn đang lái xe, do đó, động từ phải ở thời tiếp diễn, ở thời hoàn thành tiếp diễn do trong cấu trúc giả định này, hành động đã bắt đầu xảy ra từ trong quá khứ kéo dài đến hiện tại, cho nên ta dùng HTHTTD. 9. They insisted that we (have) dinner with them. >>> had. 10. She demanded that I should (apologize) to her. >>> apologize Đây là cấu trúc câu giả định , apologize để nguyên dạng không chia. ở đây có thể bỏ should đi vì tiếng anh mỹ ng•ời ta th•ờng bở should ttrong khi tiếng anh Anh, ng•ời ta để nguyên. 11. If it (rain) can you bring in the washing from the garden ? >> rains câu giả định dùng với if ( câu điều kiện loại 1) 12. It was necessary that every member (inform) himself of these rules >>>> informed 13. I wish I (be) in bed. >>> Were Câu •ớc không có thực ở hiện tại 14. He spoke to me as if he (be) my father. >>> were 15. It's time you (be) in bed >>> were - kịp giờ làm gì, ng•ời ta dùng: It's time for sb to do sthing - Hơi trễ một tí: It's time S + did. 16. I'd rather we (have) dinner now. >>> Have had. * Đằng sau would rather phải là một động từ nguyên thể bỏ to (bare infinitive) nh•ng đằng sau prefer phải là một verb+ing. * câu có một chủ ngữ: Thời hiện tại: Subject + Would rather + (not) bare infinitive Thời quá khứ : Subject + would rather + have + (P2) - câu có hai chủ ngữ: Câu giả định với would rather S Là loại câu diễn đạt ý ng•ời thứ nhất muốn ng•ời thứ 2 làm một việc gì đó, nh•ng làm hay không còn tuỳ thuộc vào vào phía ng•ời thứ 2. Do vậy cấu trúc động từ sau chủ ngữ 2 phải là nguyên thể bỏ Subject1 + Would rather that + Subject2 + bare infinitive
  4. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. to - Công thức 1. Subject1 + Would rather that + Subject2 + bare infinitive 2. Điều kiện không thực hiện đ•ợc ở hiện tại (nghĩa của câu trái với thực tế). Động từ sau chủ ngữ 2 sẽ chia ở Simple past, động từ to be sẽ phải đ•ợc chia thành Were ở tất cả các ngôi - Công thức 2 Subject1 + would rather that + Subject2 + Simple past 3. Điều kiện không thể thực hiện đ•ợc trong quá khứ ( Nghĩa của câu là trái với thực tế.) Trong loại câu này động từ ở mệnh đề thứ 2 sẽ phải đ•ợc chia ở Past perfect - Công thức 1. Subject1 + would rather that + Subject2 + Past perfect 17. if only I (listen) to my parents ! >>> had listen. Câu giả định trái với thực tế, tức trong quá khứ thực tế là tôi đã không nghe lời cha mẹ * các cấu trúc giả định của if only + - Hi vọng là if only S do If only S will do - Giá mà Trái với thực tế trong quá khứ hoặc hiện tại if only S did (hien tai) = I wish S did if only S had done = I wish S had done 18. He behaves as though he (be) a millionaire. >> were đây là cấu trúc giả định, trái với hiện tại ,là anh ta không thể trở thành một tỉ phú ngay ở hiện tại đ•ợc - Cấu trúc As though/ as if : cấu trúc giả định không thể thực hiện đ•ợc + ở hiện tại: S do as though S did As if Ai đó hiện tại làm gì đó nh• thể gì đó + ở quá khứ: S did as though s had done As if - Cấu trúc as though , as if mà có thể thực hiện đ•ợc (trong t•ơng lai) + khi đó sẽ không tuân theo hai công thức trên, tuỳ theo tình huống mà ta chia vế sau as though/ as if cho phù hợp He smiles as if he has finished his homework
  5. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. 19. If we had enough, we could (buy) a tape_recorder >>>> Would buy Câu điều kiện loại hai 20. just imagine some one (be) following us >>> were/was Hay thử hình dung nh• là ai đó đang theo chúng ta 21. If he had listened to me, he (make) that mistake. >>>> Wouldn't have made. 22. He never could (play) the piano. >>> play 23. We (love) to go aboard if we had a chance >>> would love. 24. Mustn't there (be) another reason for his behaviour. >>> be - cấu trúc There must be sthing 25. It's raining. I'd better (stay ) at home. >>> stay 26. He demands everyone (be) present on time >>> câu giả định, Chia : be 27. God (save) the queen ! >>> đây cũng là một hình thức câu giả định - Câu giả định còn dùng đ•ợc trong một số câu cảm thán, th•ờng bao hàm các thế lực siêu nhiên. Chia: save 28. I suggest That you (feel) over-tired_(quá mệt). >>> were feeling đây lại không là một câu giả định, là một câu bình th•ờng với Nếu là câu giả định thì nghĩa không xuôi, tôi Gợi ý rằng bạn mệt Do vậy phải căn cứ cả vào nghĩa của câu mà chia Về nghĩa, tôi cứ nghĩ là bạn đang quá mệt cơ đấy gừũi; laèm naềy ra trong triỡ his cool response suggested that he didn't like the idea lừèi ðaỡp laũnh nhaũt cuềa anh ta khiờỡn ta phaềi nghiị róèng anh ta khụng thiỡch yỡ kiờỡn õỡy aỡm chiề; ðýa ra giaề thuyờỡt laè 29. If I were (feel) over-tired, I wouldn't go on. >>>> were feeling 30. We (hope) you could come and have lunch with us tomorrow. >>>> were hoping 31. By the time we (stop), we had driven six hundred miles. >>> stopped. 32. It is high desirable that every effort (be) made to reduce expenditure. >>>were 33. It the truth (be) known to any of you, it must be told to us all >>>> had been known. - câu này không tuân theo qui tắc của câu điều kiện loại 1, loại 2 hay loại 3 mà là sự chộn lẫn - Vế đầu, Nếu nh• ai trong số các bạn biết sự thật (biết thì đã biết rồi, biết từ
  6. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. tr•ớc, cho nên mới dùng câu ở quá khứ hoàn thành), thì phải nói cho tôi, vế mệnh đề chính để dk 1 vì có thể trong t•ơng lai ng•ời ta sẽ nói 34. He wishes he (pass) the exams. >>> Had passed Thực tế thì anh ta đã tr•ợt, tr•ợt trong quá khứ, và anh ta •ớc trái với thực tế trong quá khứ là anh ta đã đỗ 35. Suppose every word of this (be) true, what action would the committee wish to take ? >>> be 36. Whatever (be) difficulties before us, we must face them. >>>> be 37. We have already decided that this meeting (be) adjourned until tomorrow. >>> be 38. If the truth (be) known, there would be a public outcry >>>> were - outcry: tiếng la thét la thét - câu điều kiện loại 2 39. They wish it (not rain) so much in England. >>> Didn't rain - câu này diễn dạt ý muốn chung chung ở hiện tại, không có thời điểm cụ thể. Do đó, mệnh đề sau wish để quá khứ đơn. 40. I'd go out if it (not be) raining. >>> weren't - Câu điều kiện laọi hai diễn dạt ý muốn ở hiện tại, nếu trời mà hiện tại không m•a thì toi sẽ đi 41. I (give) you a cigarette if I had one but I'm afraid I haven't. >>> Would give Câu điều kiện loại hai, diễn đạt tình huống trái với hiện tại 42. If I (see) you when you passed me in the street, I would have said hello. >>> had seen. 43. Do you wish you (study) science instead of language ? >>> had studied. - chú ý trong câu này, hiện tại bạn đã đang học ngoại ngữ rồi, và hành động bắt đầu học này đã diễn ra từ lâu rồi Trong câu này muốn diễn đạt ý muốn rằng •ớc rằng bạn đã học môn khoa học thay vì học ngoại ngữ. Do đó chia mệnh đề sau wish ở quá khứ hoàn thành để diễn đạt ý muốn trái với thực tế, trái với quá khứ cấu trúc Wish s + Did (diễn dạt •ớc muốn trái hiện thực) wish s + had did (Diễn dạt •ớc trái thực tế) 44. We might (win) if we'd played better. >>> have won. Câu điều kiện loại 3 (câu giả định) 45. Should he fail the exams, I (be) very sad. >>> Would be Đây là câu điều kiện loại 2, ở đây diễn đạt đảo trợ từ should lên tr•ớc động từ chính trong câu và bỏ if đi. 46. We would rather (stay at home) than (attend) the wedding.
  7. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. >>> stay at home attend. Diễn đạt ở hiện tại thích ở nhà hơn là tham dự đám c•ới. - Chú ý rằng sau cấu trúc would rather loại 1 cn nh• vậy, có thể có hai dạng : do/ have done diễn đạt ở hiện tại thích nh• thế nào hoặc diễn đạt một ý muốn trong quá khứ thích nh• thế nào đó. 47. He advised that we (go) immediately >>> go. - Là một hình thức của câu giả định 48, Due to Jim's Robbies, Mary recommends that we should (buy) that book for him. >>> buy Recommend quyết định sau đó là cấu trúc giả định cho nên chia buy ở dạng nguyên thể. 49. (convince) that they were trying to poison him, he refused to eat anything. >>> Convinced / having been convinced. _ bị thuyết phục rằng họ đang cố gắng đầu độc anh ta, anh ta từ chối ăn mọi thứ 50. Don't worry ! We (give) you fifteen pounds now. >>> will give. II Bài tập thứ hai của động từ : (chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống) 1 I to the cinema if it doesn't rain. a. go b. will go c. had gone d. went. 2. It's a good thing father dead. a. will be b. be c. is d. was 3. He ought to have let me he was going out. a. to know b. knew c. knows d. know 4. I everything I can to help you ! a. Do b. shall do c. would do d. had done 5. I'll have it to you immediately a. send b. to send c. sending d. sent 6. what I am saying ? a, you understand b. did you understand c. Do you understand d. You understood. 7. I wish I her a. am b. be c will be d. were 8. It's 10 years since I last her
  8. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. a. see b. seeing c. saw d. have seen 9. When was the last time you the garage ? a. cleaned. b. clean c. have cleaned d. are cleaning 10. whose babies they are ? a. do you think b. have you thought c. Will you think d. were you thinking 11. How did you feel when you in front of the class ? a. stand up b. will stand up c. stood up d. are standing up 12. He suggests we to the cinema together. a. will go b. went c. are going d. go 13. It's very dangerous. You careful. a. will be b. be c. have been d. are - đây là hình thức câu mệnh lệnh thức: Be careful ! Nh•ng có sử dụng chủ từ, nh•ng động từ tobe ở nguyên thể không to. 14. out of your home without getting legal advice. a. do not move b. not move c. won't move d. didn't move 15. Never the front door without looking through the peephole (lỗ nhỏ để nhìn qua cửa, t•ờng ) a. open b. have opended c. to open d. opening 16, And now, please do crying. a. stopping b. stopped c. being stopped d. stop * Trong tr•ờng hợp này, dùng trợ từ do tr•ớc động từ chính trong câu mệnh lệnh là để nhấn mạnh ý diễn đạt 17. for instance, the new proposals for students loans a. be taking b. takes c. take d. taken - proposal: đề nghị - loans: tiền cho vay - take for instance: lấy làm ví dụ, những đề nghị mới cho những khoản vay của sinh viên 18. But for a moment that the automobile industry had developed at the same rate as computers.
  9. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. a. supposed b. suppose c. supposing d. to suppose * Chú ý rằng ,trong câu but đóng vai trò là liên từ, không liên quan gì đến cấu trúc câu, trong tr•ờng hợp câu diễn đạt l•ợc chủ ngữ, động từ chính để dạng nguyên thể, suppose for a moment that 19. Now, let's a typical poor country like Indonesia with a rich one like Canada. a. comparing b. compares c. compared d. compare 20. Let Phillip a look at it. A . had b. has c. is having d. have 21. So you admit something wrong ? a. be b, would be ??? c, being d. is ??????????? 22. Will you tell Watson I in a little cafe ? a. had been b. am being ?? c. be d. will be 23. How dare you to me like that ? a. spoke b. speak c. speaking d. to speak 24. Why don't we them what they want ? a. give b. gave c. to give d. had given 25. How about this motorbike to go there ? a. use b. using c. to use d. uses ?? III Dang 3: Gạch chân động từ đúng để hoàn chỉnh câu: 1. Don't forget (locking / to lock) the door before going to bed. 2. You are expected (knowing / to know ) te safety regulation of the college. - cấu trúc duy nhat Expect to do sthing 3. If I followed his advice, I (will be / would be) a fool. 4. He describes the accident as if he (saw / has seen ) it himself
  10. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. - thực tế thì tai nạn đã xảy ra, bản thân anh ta không có mặt ở đó, cho nên anh ta không thể quan sát, hành động anh ta nhìn thấy là trái với thực tế. Do đó đây là câu giả định không có thật , - Với cấu trúc as if, as though: sau đó là qkd, qkht, trong tr•ờng hợp khong tuan theo hai cấu trúc này thì không là câu giả định, mà mang hàm ý diễn đạt trái với hiện tại, nh•ng trong t•ơng lai có thể là xảy ra : he smiles as if he have finished his work 5. He left us 3 hours ago. By now he must (has been / have been) at home 6. The mother looks at her son as though ( to say/ saying ) something. 7. Oh ! There is much remains (to do / to be done) 8. He was so angry that nobody dared ( to come/ come) 9. It seemed that a lot of things which we can do now couldn't (do/ be done) a hundred years ago. 10. If we had checked the petrol before we started, we ( wouldn't stop/ wouldn't have stopped ) here. 11. She would do this test easily if she (practised / practise ) more 12. Tell me what you (see / saw) at the village this morning. 13. He (doesn't stop/ hasn't stopped ) eating since he arrived. 14. It's just struck midnight. It's high time we (leave/left)! - struck : quá khứ của strike: đập, đánh, va, gây kinh sợ, ồn - Hơi trễ một tí rồi 15. If only we (have / had ) a phone ! I am tired of queuing outside the public phone box. 16/ You (had / have ) better take off your wet shoes. 17. If only he (knew / had known ) then that the disease was curable. 18. My parents were very strict. They wouldn't let me (staying / stay ) out late in the evening. 19. I bought a calculator. It didn't work. I wish I (didn't buy / hadn't bought ) it
  11. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. 20. I have never read Shakespeare before. Now they make me ( to study / study) it at school 21. when I was small, I used to (going / go ) fishing with my brother . 22. When I first Visited Britain, I couldn't get used to (driving / drive ) on the left 23. You needn't (did / do ) it again ! 24. She insisted I ( attended / attend ) her party - insist on sth/ doing sth - insist that + menh de 25. I expect he (be/ is ) there by now. IV Dang bai 4: Chia dang dung cho cac dong tu trong doan van (Chia dong tu co ngu canh cu the) 1. Ronnie has had a busy day. He has been making a lot of preperation. He woke (wake) up early, went to the rent-a-car office, and hired (hire) a new car. Then, after a quick breakfast, he went (go) to John's house, borrowed a long ladder, which he put (put) on the roof of the car, and drove (drive) to work. During his coffee break, he made (make) a copy of certificate, and before he had (have) lunch , he visisted the bank and closed (close) his account. After lunch, he just had (have) the travel agent's book a hotel room. * Trong đoạn văn này, ng•ời nói kể lại một loạt hành động xảy ra của Ronnie, ta chỉ có thể dùng thì quá khứ. Nh•ng tất cả đều là quá khứ đơn vì tất cả các hành động của Jonnie đều nằm trong kế hoạch của một ngày bận rộn của anh ta cả 2. I was walking along the deserted main street of a small seaside town in the north of England looking for somewhere to make a phone call. My car had broken (break) down outside the town and I wanted to contact the AA. The street ran (run) parallel to the sea and was joined to it by a number of narrow side streets. Low grey clouds were drifting (drift_ troi dat) across the sky and there was (be) a cold damp with blowing off the sea which nearly threw me off my feet when I was acrossing (across) one of the side streets. It
  12. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. had been raining (rain) for a long time. * chú ý trong tr•ờng hợp này lại khác với tr•ờng hợp đoạn văn 1, tả lại một loạt những hành động mang tính chất dự định và anh ta đã thực hiện lần l•ợt trong quá khứ, do đó ta chủ yếu sử dụng quá khứ đơn Nh•ng ở đoạn này, mô tả các sự việc trong quá khứ đã xảy ra nh• thế nào, ta phải căn cứ vào thời điểm, kết quả của hành động để chia thì quá khứ nào cho phù hợp. (qúa khứ đơn, quá khứ hoàn thành itếp diễn hay quá khứ tiếp diễn.) 3. When we talk about learning a language like English, Japanese or Spanish, we speak speak) and think (think) as though the language in question were a fixed unchanging thing. We expect (expect) to learn it as we learned geometry_(Hình học ) or how to ride a bicycle systematically, and wih clear ultimate_ (cuối cùng) sucess. Many people subsequently give (give) up when they discover that what a misconception this is (be) In fact, they have embark (embark) on an activity that could last the rest of their lives. The experience makes (make) them realize that they are not (not be) only go into to have work hard indeed if they want (want) to succeed, but also that they are in may cases - barely master of the language they call (call) their own "mother tongue" * chú ý trong diễn đạt ở đoạn này, nói về một thực tế, ta sẽ quan tâm nhiều đến những cái diễn đạt chung chung ở hiện tại đơn, và những điều có kết quả ở thực tế, lúc đó, ta sẽ chia hiện tại hoàn thành. 4. I visit to the national park is mainly a matter of luck. Some people , spend (spend) as many as four days and see nothing at all, while others, in the space of a few hours, will see (see ) most of what there is to see. I am. (be) one of the lucky ones, because when I was there on a two hour visit recently, I managed (manage) to see a great deal. There were may herds of deer (bầy h•ơi) and losts of wild bears. Elephants were wanderring (wander_lang thang) in a long grass or drinking at water- holes, and I .caught (catch) sight of a fine leopard lying on top of a huge rock. A great crocodile was sleeping (sleep) on the bank of a river, while a buffalo played happily in the thick mud. I .thought (think) the reason for my good luck was that I .went (go) there just before dark on a cloudy day, which I am told is the time they .choose (choose) for leaving their hiding-places. * trong đoạn này lẫn lộn giữa các thì quá khứ và hiện tại Some people + Vinf vì people Tôi thực sự là một ng•ời may mắn Đã xoay sở, hành động này xảy ra rồi trong quá khứ
  13. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. : đơn thuần mô tả một hành động xảy ra một hành động khác xen vào Nói về một hành động đã xảy ra rồi Nói là một thực tế hiển nhiên, ng•ời may mắn là ng•ời biết chọn thời điểm 5. Hire purchase The system of buying goods by purchase became (become) very common during the first half of the twentieth century. Today, a large proportion of all families in Great Britain buy (buy) furniture and house hold goods by paying installments. In the USA, the proportion is (be) much higher than in the Great Britain. The price of goods bought in this way is always higher than the price that would be (be) paid in cash. One part of the price, perhaps one-third, is paid by the buyer before the goods are (be) delivered to him. He then makes (make) regular payments, weekly or monthly, until the full price has been (be) paid. But if the buyer can not pay the installment at the fixed time, the goods are (be) returned to the company. - : mặc dù cụm during nh•ng diễn đạt chung chung, during không cụ thể từ khoảng nào đến khoảng nào nên chia ở thì quá khứ đơn - :Các cụm từ chỉ số l•ợng: a number hay t•ơng tự , nếu ở dạng không xác định a number thì chia động từ dạng số nhiều. Còn nếu xác định The (number, proportion ) thì chia động từ ở dạng số ít - : The proportion ở đây đã xác định rồi, chia is - : - : - : Weekly, monthly hành động xảy ra lặp đi lặp lại hàng tuần hàng tháng cho nên ta để ở hiện tại đơn. - : Câu này chỉ kết quả, sau khi Until Gì đó - : Câu này không để ở thì t•ơng lai đơn, vì nó diễn đạt một việc chắc chắn sẽ xảy ra khi một sự việc khác xảy ra 6. Many people who are in London (1) prefer (prefer) to live outside it, and to go to their offices, factories or school everyday by train, car or bus, even though this means they (2) have (have) to get up earlier in the morning and (3) reach (reach) home later in the evening. One advantage of living outside London (4) is (be) that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden (5) costs (cost) quite a lot to rent. Then in the country one can rest from the noise and hurry of the town. Even though one (6) has (have) to get up earlier and (7) spends (spend) trains or buses , one can sleep better at night and , during evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one (8) likes. (like) garden, one can spend one's free time digging planting, watering and one hundred other jobs which (9) are(be) needed in a garden.
  14. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. - câu 9 chú ý chia là are 7. The last time I went to London I didn't have (not have) time to visit all the places I wanted 2 (want) to see. This time I hope to do better. I was ( be ) able to find my way, of course, and I soon got (get) to know where the main streets and the most famous building were. But I had no time to go inside and have (have) a good look at them. I think I will spend (spend) a day at Westminter If I can; will go (go) to the houses of Parliament of course, I can spend quite a long time in Westminter Abbey and learn (learn) about all the interesting things there. The parks are (be) worth a longer visit too. I think the one I like (like) best in Kensington Gardens, but they are all beautiful in their own way. 8. Sometimes dreams are frightening. Terribles creatures threaten (threaten) and pursue (pursue_đuổi theo) us. Sometimes, in dreams, wishes come (come) true. At other times we are troubled by dreams in which everything is 4> (be) confused. We are lost and can't find out way home. The world seems to have been (be) turned upside-down and nothing makes sense. In dreams, we act (act) very strangely. We do things we never would never do (do) when we are awake. We think (think) and say (say) things we would say. Why are (be) dreams so strange ? where do dreams from ? - Câu 5, muốn nhấn mạnh kết quả là trong giấc mơ của ta, tất cả đã đảo lộn rồi mới xuất hiện trong thế giới giấc mơ của ta do đó những câu sau diễn đạt nó đảo lộn nh• thế nào 9. There were many great names among the English writers at the beginning of this century. Most of them could be called "men of letters". That is , they would had studied (study) the great poetry of the past. They would have become familiar with languages like Latin and Greek. However, there was one writer who knew (know) very little of these things. The name of this writer was (be) Herbert George Wells. He wrote (write) books on many subjects. Some of his best were about simple, foolish, eager young men such as he himself had been (be). In Kipps and history of Mr. Polly he made (make) use of his own painful experience of growing up in a world that was (be) hard on the poor. In Ann Veronica he wrote (write) about love of men and women with an honesty that upset ( upset) many people. But this too had a serious purpose. Wells wanted (want) to change the marriage customers of his country to give couples more freedom. 10. Sigmund Freud was (1) (be) born about a hundred years ago. He was one of the great explorers of our time. But the new worlds, he explored (2. exlore) were inside man himself. For the unconscious mind is like a deep well, full of memories and feelings. These memories and feelings has been (3. be) stored there from the moment of our birth, perhaps even before birth. Our conscious mind have forgotten (4. forget) them. We don't suspect (5. not suspect) tatthey are the unhappy or unsual
  15. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. experience that causes (6. cause) us to remember, or to dreams. Then suddenly we see (7. see ) a face we have forgotten (8. forget) . We feel (9. feel ) the same jealous fear and bitter disappointment as when we were (10. be) little children. (bai dich: ) 11. These days, people who do (do) manual work often recieve (recieve) far more money than clerks who work (work) in offices. People who work in offices are (be) frequently referred to as " white collar workers" for the simple reason that they usually wear (wear) a collar and tie to go to work. Such is human nature that a great many people are (be) often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the priviledge of becoming white collar workers. This can give rise to curious situations, as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked (work) as a dustman for the Elesmere Corporation. When he got married, he simply told (tell ) his wife that he worked (work) for the Corporation. Luckily, Alfred has just found another job he soon will be soon working (work) in an office as a junior clerk. 12. It is not necessary to go abroad in order to n something new about the world. In our own city, even in our own village, there are (be) probly a great deal to be learnt, and certainly no one has seen (see) all that is beautiful or interesting in his own country. We can usually see mountains that we have not climbed (not climb) yet, and if we reach (reach) the top of one we shall see another in the distance. If we walk (walk) along the river, we will find (find) stream running into it and wonder (wonder) where they come (come) from. Every valley gives. (give) us a new view. Even on a short walk we may see birds and trees and flowers of which we do not know (not know) the names. 13. Smoking causes (cause ) lung cancer. Lung cancer is the number one cancer among men. Ninety percent of the people who get (get) lung cancer die. (die). Smokers have six time as much cancer of the mouth, tongue, and throat as nonsmokers. Smoking gives (give) people breathing problems. It also harms (harm) the stomach. Smoking causes one million yearly deaths in the world every year. Throughout the world, women live (live) longer . Why ? because men smoke (smoke) more. All of these facts from research show (show) that smoking is bad. So why does people smoke (smoke)? Young people start smoking because everyone else smokes (smoke). They feel grown up and independent. 14. In the relatively short span of twenty five years there has been an incredible evolution in the size and capabilities of computers. Today, computers smaller than the tip of your fingernail have (have) the same capabilities as room_sized machines of twenty five years ago. The first computers were (be) developed around 1945. They were so large that they required (require) special air-conditioned rooms. About twenty years later, in the 1960s, desk-sized computers were developed. This represented ( represent) a gigantic advance. Before the end of that same decade, however, a third generation of computers, which used (use) simple integrated circuits and which were (be) even smaller and faster, had appeared (appear). In 1971, the first microprocessor, less than one square centimeter in size, was (be ) developed. Today, electronic engineers predict (predict ) that even smaller and more sophisticated
  16. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. computers will have been (be) on the market before the end of this decade. * Chú ý, chỉ về mốc thời gian cụ thể trong t•ơng, lai và hành động có kết quả ở thời điểm đó, ta sẽ sử dụng t•ơng lai hoàn thành. Sử dụng thì hoàn thành khi nhấn mạnh kết quả, hoặc có sử dụng các giới từ chỉ thời gian: since, before 15. Language is one of man's most precious possessions (tai san) Without it, he would be (be) unable to exchange ideas with his fellow men (nhung nguoi ban). In the Middle Ages, Latin was (be) the universal language. Most university classes were conducted in Latin, and all important documents were (be) written in that language. Gradually, however, Latin fell (fall) into disuse (khong dung den), and by the 18th century, French had became (become) the language of diplomacy. Today, however English is commonly used to transact international affairs. For this reason, English is (be) referred to as a universal language. There are various reason why English has come (come) to occupy the important position it does (do) today. The few dialects in English give (give) advantage of being a standard language. In addition, English has ambiguities that are found in many other mordern tongues. This makes (make) it ideal for the transaction of business and international affairs. * would be: vì đó là câu giả định, không có thật had become: vì đó là câu nhấn mạnh kết quả trong quá khứ, by the 18th centure vào thế kỷ 18 16. Children's education is changing very rapidly today. In the past, teachers made (make) children sit still for hours. They made them memorise all sorts of things. Today, many teachers wonder (wonder) if it is not (not be) possible to make children learn at all. They say (say) they can only help them to learn. They say you must let children learn and discover things for themselves. For some children, school is (be) a kind of prison. They are at school only because their parents make them go. They get out of the classroom as soon as the teacher let (let) them leave. Many of them want to find jobs but the law doesn't let (not let) them work until they reach (reach) a certain age. And so, they have (have) to stay in school. Often, they all hate (hate) every moment. * Noi ve mot hien thuc o hien tai, da so cau deu chia o thi hien tai 17. today I'd like to begin a discussion on the problem of the heating up of the earth. First, we will touch (touch) on the relationship between flourocarbons and the ozone layer. You probaly remember (remember) that the ozeon layer is (be) protective shield around the earth. It is important to all life because it filters (filter) our harmful ultraviolet light from the sun ozone itself, a form of oxygen, is regularly made by the action of the sun in the upper atmosphere. It is being (be) also regularly destroyed by natural chemical processes. The problem now is that too much of the ozone layer being (be) destroyed. Scientists suspect (suspect) chemicals such as fluorocarbons, are contributting (contribute) to this depletion of the ozone. How do we use (use) fluorocarbons accounts for some of the ozone losses that have been (be) reported. There are now studies linking the sun itself to the depletion of the ozone layer. 18.
  17. This document is created with the unregistered version of Document2PDF Pilot. My most embarrassing experience happened when I had just left university. I have just started (start) teaching in a Liverpool secondary school. One moring my alarm clock didn't ring (not ring) (forget) to wind it up. I woke up at haft past eight and school began (begin) at 9. I quickly washed shaved, dressed, jumped into my car and drove (drive) to school. When I arrived, the students had already been (be) in class. I didn't go to the staffroom but went (go) straight into the class. After 2 or 3 minites the students began (begin) laughing and i couldn't understand why. Suddenly I looked (look) down and understood I had put (put) on one black shoe and one brown shoe. 19. Yesterday afternoon, Tom had (have) a letter from his sister, who lives in Canberra. He has not seen (not see) her since she moved (move) to Australia. Through her letter, Tom knows that she is coming to England next year. If she comes (come), she will get (get) a surprise. Tom and his family are now living in a beautiful new house in the country. The house was (be) completed five months ago. Tom wants (want) her to stay with his family. The house has many large rooms which are well decorated. He wants to show her everything he has bought (buy) recently. He thinks she will (be) pleased to see lovely garden behind the house. It is a very modem house, so it looks (look) strange to some people. It must be the only modem house in the district. 20. Natural resources are the materials that we need (need) to run our society. They come (come) from the rocks, the oceans, and tdhe tissues of the animals and plants that live (live) on the earth with us. These materials are (be) used directly, or processed and shaped into house hold products, clothes, machinery, building ect. The thousands of different materials that we need (need) to maintain our standard of living can be classified into renewable and non-renewable resources. The former includes (include) cotton, tree, rubber, animals and cellulose. With proper management, such resources (be) available for man's use infefinitely for example as long as sufficient water, food and care (be) made available animal populations such as sheep and cattle (continue) to grow and reproduce.